影片圍繞三個背景不同的拳手展開。末永晃(森山未來 飾)在經歷過職業(yè)巔峰之后,淪為了邊緣的敗犬拳手,一直以來被當做給別人增長信心的“軟柿子”捏,一度迷失自我甚至想要放棄拳擊,墜落谷底之后,幡然醒悟,最終重回拳場,試圖尋找生存的意義;大村龍?zhí)ū贝褰澈?飾)是一名背負著秘密的年輕拳手,兒時便被雙親拋棄,甚至走上了叛逆不良少年之路,破碎不堪的人生因為拳擊重拾生機,初出茅廬卻勢不可擋;宮木瞬(勝地涼 飾)則是一名“星二代”搞笑藝人。在父親的質疑下,迷失自我,無法找到自己的立足之地。因電視節(jié)目企劃而參加拳擊比賽,嬉皮笑臉插科打諢的假面下,試圖通過拳擊真正的證明自己,贏得勝利。
- 10.0 怒劫運鈔車
2024 動作簡介:Colombian music icon Juanes plays Moisés, the eldest of three brothers plying this perilous trade and the linchpin of the operation, while Alberto Guerra delivers a compelling performance as Ulises, a man paralyzed by conflicting decisions and haunted by fear and grief. When Juan (Alejandro Speitzer) — the youngest of the brothers — is coerced into working for a more powerful, rival criminal organization, the shocking underbelly of the business is laid bare and there are tragic consequences.
- 1.0 世界大戰(zhàn):輻射
- 4.0 這個大俠有點慫
- 1.0 老手2
- 6.0 超危險保鏢